Mar 14, 2022
Brock Lindsey and Jack Gelman are researchers at West Virginia University. Brock is an orthopedic oncologist who deals with bone and muscle tumors. Jack is a plastic surgeon interested in peripheral nerve surgery. Together they work on targeted muscle reinnervation in osseoimplants to bring back control for amputees. Top 3 Takeaways:
0:45 "Do you want to introduce yourself a little bit?"
3:45 How does a cadaver arm reinnervation work?
4:45 "What are the advantages of osseointegration? What are some of the challenges in this?"
10:45 How do you integrate these devices with nerves and how does it improve gait?
17:15 Are these just EMG devices that listen in on muscle movement?
18:45 "Is this something that's common or is this something that only you guys can do? And then also maybe how many patients have you guys worked on in this way?"
21:45 What would you improve with unlimited funding?
25:30 "You're saying that there would be an advantage to going directly into the brain versus going into the peripheral nerve and what would be the advantage of that?"
27:15 "I want to talk about WVU, do you want to talk a little bit about your institution, why you chose it?"
30:00 "Is there anything that we didn't talk about that you wanted to mention?"